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Sheet Metal Works, Zinc, Copper, Steel, Aluminum



Royal York Roofing is proud to provide exterior sheet metal work to homes across the Greater Toronto Area. We fabricate and install custom zinc, copper, aluminum, and steel, standing seam roofs, bay windows, awnings, steeples, chimney caps, and finial pieces. We can also add zinc, copper, and aluminum eaves, downspouts, soffit, and fascia along with cladding to your walls, doors, and windows.

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Sheet Metal Work (Zinc)

  • Complete Roofs

  • Bay Window Roofs

  • Awnings

  • Steeples

  • Chimneys

  • Finials

  • Wall Cladding

  • Eaves, Soffits, Fascia

  • Copper

  • Zinc

  • Pre-painted Steel

  • Aluminum

  • Pre-Aged Copper

What is zinc roofing?

This type of roofing is an elegant style of covering that consists primarily of zinc materials. Zinc roofs are resistant to corrosion, protect against lightning, and require little to no maintenance over the course of their existence.

This form of roofing is popular among homeowners because of it is architecturally distinguishable style and long-lasting nature. If installed properly by our professionals at Royal York Roofing, a zinc roof can last up to 70-90 years.

What is sheet metal?

Sheet metals are any metals that can be made into thin, flat pieces (sheets) for construction, roofing, and building uses. This includes copper, zinc, aluminum, brass, steel, tin, and nickel. Gold, silver, and platinum may also be made into sheets, but they are not generally used for roofing purposes.

Zinc colours and finishes

Zinc comes in a variety of colours and finishes to give your home a unique appearance. The natural and by far the most popular colour (quartz zinc) has a greyish-greenish appearance. The second most popular finish is anthra-black colour which has a unique black finish that can be a luxury alternative to black steel and aluminum. Additionally, there are blue, brown and greener special-order finishes. It's important to note that all coloured finishes will eventually weather to a natural quartz-zinc colour. The most popular zinc colours are presented below:

The advantages of zinc roofing

Roofs made of zinc can be recycled and are lightweight. Compared to other roofing materials, zinc offers an unparalleled aesthetic option. It can give your home added value due to its sophisticated appearance and extreme longevity.

Moreover, zinc roofing is not susceptible to fire damage and is waterproof, which can come in handy during a typical Ontario snowstorm. Finally, zinc roofing does not require much operational support and is appropriate for the vast majority of roof structures.

Other zinc applications

Zinc and sheet metal can be used to fabricate gutter systems. From eavestroughs and the accompanying soffit and fascia, copper and sheet metal provides a durable system to keep rainwater from destroying the base of your home. Additionally, many homeowners ask us to install zinc and sheet metal accents to their houses to add an extra touch of refinement to their already chic homes. From bay windows to parapet flashings to dormer roofs, any home is made classier with copper.

If you are thinking about installing zinc roofing and sheet metal workings to your home, give us a call at 416-760-7663.

At Royal York Roofing, we ensure you get quality craftsmanship, style, and the perfect copper and sheet metal accents no matter what. Let us customize your home and roof with zinc so you can turn your already beautiful property into a dream house!

Sheet metal work
What is zinc roofing
What is sheet metal
Zinc colours and finishes
The advantages of zinc roofing
Other zinc applicatins
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